Events on ELLIS topics which take place in Amsterdam can apply for financial support through the ELLIS Event Programme. Examples of eligible events would be: workshops collocated with top-tier conferences, poster session, workshops organised for PhD defenses on machine learning topics, or standalone events organised to bring researchers from different locations in Europe together to discuss machine learning or related sub-fields.
Who can apply?
Event organizers may apply if they are ELLIS faculty at the University of Amsterdam OR Master’s students or PhD candidates at the University of Amsterdam that have the participation and support of an ELLIS faculty member.
Proposals for events are reviewed on an individual basis. ELLIS aims to encourage diversity and inclusivity in AI and ML communities. We therefore especially encourage applications for workshops that explicitly take these values into account. Priority is given to events that will promote the advancement of the AI ecosystem in Amsterdam, as it is aligned with our strategic goals.
To apply, please send an application form (word/pdf) to
ELLIS Amsterdam Event Programme
ELLIS unit Amsterdam has an event programme on ELLIS related topics where organisers can apply for financial support. Examples of previously workshops organised with support from ELLIS Amsterdam:
Who can apply
ELLIS faculty at the ELLIS unit in Amsterdam can apply. If you are not an ELLIS faculty then you need to involve someone from this list. Also, students can take the initiative to organise an event if they involve an ELLIS faculty.
ELLIS aims to encourage diversity and inclusivity in AI and ML communities. We especially encourage applications from event organisers that explicitly take these values into account while organising their workshop. Priority is given to workshops that will promote the advancement of the AI ecosystem in Amsterdam, as it is aligned with our strategic goals.
What can be applied for?
The ELLIS unit Amsterdam event support programme can be used to cover maximally 10K in costs, including to but not limited to:
In their application for the ELLIS event fund, event organisers are asked to submit a budget with a reasonable estimate for these costs. If the funding support is awarded, the actual costs of the event will be reimbursed retroactively upon submission of receipts and/or invoices. For larger costs that are invoiced, it is possible to request direct payment from the ELLIS event funds.
How to apply
To apply for funds from the ELLIS event programme, fill out the application form, in which you are requested to provide a short description of your event, explain its relevance to ELLIS and provide a budget with a list of estimated costs. The filled-out form can be sent to
Applications will be evaluated based on the quality of the event as well as its importance for ELLIS. Events that explicitly aim to increase diversity and inclusion while, at the same time, promoting AI advancement in Amsterdam will be prioritized.
Event organisers who require further assistance and/or information in organizing the event may wish to contact the ELLIS unit Amsterdam:
ELLIS Amsterdam asks workshops supported by the ELLIS Amsterdam event programme to acknowledge the ELLIS Amsterdam unit on their website and opening slides, and send ELLIS Amsterdam the event link and a brief report on the event for the ELLIS website afterward.
If you have questions regarding the programme, you may wish to check the FAQ below. If you still couldn’t find answers to your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
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Website by Giuul’s Studio