few-shot learning

Learning to Learn Variational Semantic Memory

In this paper, we introduce variational semantic memory into meta-learning to acquire long-term knowledge for few-shot learning. The variational semantic memory accrues and stores semantic information for the probabilistic inference of class …

Learning to Learn Kernels with Variational Random Features

In this work, we introduce kernels with random Fourier features in the meta-learning framework to leverage their strong few-shot learning ability. We propose meta variational random features (MetaVRF) to learn adaptive kernels for the base-learner, …

Localizing the Common Action Among a Few Videos

This paper strives to localize the temporal extent of an action in a long untrimmed video. Where existing work leverages many examples with their start, their ending, and/or the class of the action during training time, we propose few-shot common …

PointMixup: Augmentation for Point Clouds

This paper introduces data augmentation for point clouds by interpolation between examples. Data augmentation by interpolation has shown to be a simple and effective approach in the image domain. Such a mixup is however not directly transferable to …

Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Democratic Attention Networks

Few-shot segmentation has recently generated great popularity, addressing the challenging yet important problem of segmenting objects from unseen categories with scarce annotated support images. The crux of few-shot segmentation is to extract object …

Attention-based Multi-Context Guiding for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Few-shot learning is a nascent research topic, motivated by the fact that traditional deep learning methods require tremendous amounts of data. The scarcity of annotated data becomes even more challenging in semantic segmentation since pixellevel …

SILCO: Show a Few Images, Localize the Common Object

Few-shot learning is a nascent research topic, motivated by the fact that traditional deep learning requires tremendous amounts of data. In this work, we propose a new task along this research direction, we call few-shot commonlocalization. Given a …