Dan Schwartz, Stanford
University, U.S.A.
Title: Interactivity and
-Brief biography -
Daniel Schwartz is an Associate Professor in the
Learning Sciences, Technology and Design program at Stanford
University, School of Education. Before completing his Ph.D. at
Columbia University, Dr. Schwartz worked eight years as a
secondary school teacher in Kenya, the inner-city of Los Angeles, and a
Native Alaskan village. His research examines issues of transfer
and how people move from untutored mental models to more formal and
verbal understanding in the domains of mathematics, mechanics, and
biology. His work employs laboratory and computer-modeling
methodologies, as well as classroom interventions that involve the use
of instructional software programs that he has co-authored including
STAR.Legacy and Teachable Agents. More information about his
research and publications may be found at the website.
- Abstract -
Two claims for artificial intelligence techniques
in education are that
they can increase positive interactive experiences for students, and
they can enhance learning. Depending on one’s preferences, the
critical question might be “how do we configure interactive
opportunities to optimize learning?” Alternatively, the question
might be, “how do we configure learning opportunities to optimize
positive interactions?” Ideally, the answers to these two
questions are compatible so that desirable interactions and learning
outcomes are positively correlated. But, this does not have to be
the case – interactions that people deem negative might lead to
learning that people deem positive, or vice versa. The question
for this talk is whether there is a “sweet spot” where interactions and
learning complement one another and the values we hold most
important. I will offer a pair of frameworks to address this
question: one for characterizing learning by the dimensions of
innovation and efficiency; and one for characterizing interactivity by
the dimensions of initiative and idea incorporation. I will provide
empirical examples of students working with intelligent computer
technologies to show how desirable outcomes in both frameworks can be
Tanja Mitrovic, University
of Christchurch, New Zealand
Title: Constraint-based tutors: a success story
- Brief biography -
Antonija Mitrovic is an Associate Professor at the Department of
Computer Science and Software Engineering, the University of
Canterbury, New Zealand. She received her BEng (1987), MSc (1991) and
PhD (1994) degrees from the University of Nis, Yugoslavia. Her main
research interest is the application of artificial intelligence
techniques to education. She has authored and co-authored more than 90
papers published in international and national journals and
conferences. She is the leader of the Intelligent Computer Tutoring
Group, where a new methodology for developing intelligent tutoring
systems has been developed. Several ITSs based on this methodology have
been evaluated
in real classrooms since 1998, and the results show that these systems
have a significant positive effect on students' learning.
- Abstract -
Constraint-based modelling (CBM) was proposed in 1992 as a way
of overcoming the intractable nature of student modelling. Originally,
Ohlsson viewed CBM as an approach to developing short-term student
models. In this talk, I will illustrate how we have extended CBM to
support both short- and long-term models, and developed methodology for
using such models to make various pedagogical decisions. In particular,
I will present several successful constraint-based tutors built for a
various procedural and non-procedural domains. I will illustrate how
constraint-based modelling supports learning and meta-cognitive skills,
and present current project within the Intelligent Computer Tutoring
Justine Cassell,
Northwestern University, U.S.A.
Title: Learning with Virtual Peers
- Brief biography -
Justine Cassell is a full professor in the departments of Communication
Studies and Computer Science at Northwestern University, the director
of the ArticuLab research group, and the graduate director of the
interdisciplinary Technology and Social Behavior Ph.D. program.
Before coming to Northwestern, Cassell was a tenured associate
professor at the MIT Media Lab where she directed the Gesture and
Narrative Language Research Group. In 2001, Cassell was awarded
the Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award at MIT.
Cassell holds undergraduate degrees in Comparative Literature from
Dartmouth and in Lettres Modernes from the Universite de
Besançon (France). She holds a M.Phil in Linguistics from the
University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and a double Ph.D. from the
University of Chicago in Linguistics and Psychology.
Cassell's research concentrates on better understanding everyday kinds
of conversation and narrative as practiced by children and adults, and
on building technologies that simulate, mediate, and facilitate those
everyday kinds of talk. These technologies, such as Embodied
Conversational Agents, Story Listening Systems, and Online Communities,
in turn allow her to study the nature of human communication with and
through technology.
- Abstract -
Schools aren't the only places people learn, and in the field of
educational technology, informal learning is receiving increasing
attention. In informal learning peers are of primary
importance. But, how do you discover what works in peer learning?
If you want to discover what peers do for one other so that you can
then set up situations and technologies that maximize peer learning,
where do you get your data from? You can study groups of children
and hope that informal learning will happen and hope that you have a
large enough sample to witness examples of each kind of peer teaching
that you hope to study.
Or you can make a peer Unfortunately, the biological approach
takes years, care and feeding is expensive, diary studies are out of
fashion, and in any case the human subjects review board frowns on the
kind of mind control
that would allow one to manipulate the peer so as to provoke different
learning reactions. And so, in my own research, I chose to make a
bionic peer.
In this talk I describe the results from a series of studies where we
manipulate a bionic peer to see the effects of various kinds of peer
behavior on learning. The peer is sometimes older and sometimes
younger than the learners, sometimes the same race and sometimes a
different race, sometimes speaking at the same developmental level --
and in the same dialect -- and the learners, and sometimes
differently. In each case we are struck by how much learning
occurs when peers play, how learning appears to be potentiated by the
rapport between the real and virtual child, and how many lessons we
learn about the more general nature of informal learning mediated by
Ton de Jong, University of
Twente, Netherlands
Title: Scaffolding inquiry learning; How much
intelligence is needed and by whom?
- Brief biography -
Ton de Jong studied cognitive psychology at the University of Amsterdam
and received a PhD from the Eindhoven University of Technology on the
topic ‘problem solving and knowledge representation in physics for
novice students’. Currently he is full professor of Educational
Psychology at the University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences.
In 2001/2002 he has also been (part-time) full professor at the
Institute for Knowledge Media at the University of Tübingen
(Germany). His main interests are in problem solving in science,
inquiry (computer-simulation based) learning environments, learners’
cognitive processes, instructional design, and man-machine interface.
He was project manager of the EC-telematics SERVIVE project in which
SIMQUEST) an authoring tool for the creation of integrated simulation
learning environments was developed. Ton de Jong was coordinator of a
multi-university project sponsored by the Dutch NSF on modelling
discovery behaviour. He was project manager of the EC (5th framework)
KITS project (game-based learning of knowledge management) and was
project manager of the EC (5th framework) Co-Lab project
(collaborative learning in virtual laboratories in science), and of the
Dutch SURF ZAP project (interactive visuals for psychology). Currently
he is on the executive committee of the EC (6th framework) Network of
Excellence “Kaleidoscope”. He is associate editor of Instructional
Science, and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Computer
Assisted Learning, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and the Journal
of Research in Science Teaching.
- Abstract -
Inquiry learning is way of learning in which learners act like
scientists and discover a domain by employing processes such as
hypothesis generation, experiment design, and data interpretation. The
sequence of these learning processes and the choice for specific
actions (e.g., what experiment to perform) are determined by the
learners themselves. This student centeredness makes that inquiry
learning heavily calls upon metacognitive processes such as planning
and monitoring. These inquiry and metacognitive processes make inquiry
learning a demanding task. When inquiry is combined with modelling and
collaboration facilities the complexity of the learning process even
increases. To make inquiry learning successful, the inquiry (and
modelling and collaborative) activities need to scaffolded. Scaffolding
can mean that the learning environment is structured or that
learners are provided with cognitive tools for specific activities. AI
techniques can be used to make scaffolds more adaptive to the learner
or to developments in the learning process. In this presentation an
overview of (adaptive and non-adaptive) scaffolds for inquiry learning
in simulation based learning environments will be discussed.details
will follow.