Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of AIED, the theme of the 2005 conference will be:
Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology
Technical program
The technical program focuses on research linking theory and technology from artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computer science with theory and practice from education and social science. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Socially informed design: Social dimensions of learning. Social-historical-cultural contexts. Learning and identity. Motivation and engagement in learning. Informal learning environments.
Collaborative and group learning: Group learning environments. Networked learning communities. Analysis and modeling of group interactions. Design principles for collaborative learning environments. Communities of learners. Communities of practice.
Learning systems platforms and architectures: Web-based learning platforms. Metadata standards for learning objects and materials. Document management for learning applications. Authoring tools and assessment tools.
Modeling and representation: Models of learners, facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes. Knowledge representation and ontologies. Discourse representation and analysis.
Intelligent tutoring and scaffolding: Adaptive environments (web-based and others). Pedagogical agents. Cognitive diagnosis. Instructional planning. Motivational diagnosis and feedback. Data mining and machine learning.
Interaction design and novel interfaces: Ubiquitous computing/mixed reality learning environments. Wireless and mobile technologies. Virtual and 3D learning and training environments. Multi-modal interfaces for learning. Innovative educational multimedia systems.
Special application fields: Language learning. Mathematics and science education. Industrial, medical and other applications.
Paper submissions
Paper submissions will be accepted in the following categories:
- Full papers (8 pages) - All submissions should describe original and unpublished work. Research papers should describe results of systems development and/or empirical or theoretical analysis. A small number of "survey paper" and "theme papers" will also be accepted. These should synthesize and examine broad issues in the field. There will be a prize for "Best Paper" chosen from the full papers.
- Young researcher's track (YRT) (6 pages) - To nurture young researchers, the YRT is for work-in-progress by graduate students and other young researchers. The paper must be authored only by the young researcher(s). Accepted YRT submissions will be invited to be published in an additional volume. Also, an abstract version will be included in the official proceedings (2 pages, 10 minutes presentation). There will be a prize for the "Best Young Researcher Paper". This prize should help to cover the travel expenses for an outstanding young researcher to attend the conference.
- Posters (3 pages) - Authors are encouraged to submit reports on work-in-progress to the poster sessions, which provide an informal forum for introducing work in its early stages. Poster sessions are included in the proceedings as short papers.
- Panels (2 pages) - Panels will bring together 4 or 5 experts to discuss a topical issue. Submissions should include a motivated description of the panel topic and the qualifications of each panelist.
- Workshop proposals (4 pages) - Workshops on "hot" topics in AIED should include a brief description of the workshop topic, why it is interesting, short biographies of the workshop organizers, and a list of prospective members of the workshop program committee. Approved workshops will have their own proceedings, separately published, and their own submission/acceptance deadlines through March, April, and May 2005.
- Interactive Events (4 pages) - Interactive events will provide a hands-on experience of innovative instructional software / hardware. The proposals should include: (1) a general description of the event (e.g. the scientific contribution, the novelty, how is the event planned, important features of the software / hardware demonstrated, the plan for interaction with the audience, discussions with the audience, potential discussion questions), and (2) a detailed description of the technical requirements for the software and equipment needed to run the event.
- Tutorial proposals (3 pages) - Tutorials on important AIED topics should contain a brief description of the topic, why it is interesting, the intended audience, and short biographies of the tutorial presenters.
All accepted papers will be printed in the AIED 2005 proceedings to be published by IOS Press, and will be candidates for Best Paper Awards. Authors of award papers will be invited to submit their paper for publication in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), the official journal of the International AIED Society.
Further information
For queries about the technical programme, contact the Programme Co-Chairs:
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