February 11, 2005: closed
EXTENDED deadline for submission of full papers, posters, panels, workshop and tutorial proposals

February 25, 2005:
Proposers of workshops notified

March 1, 2005: closed
Deadline for submission of papers for the Young Researcher's Track (YRT)

March 4, 2005:
Expected launch of call for contributions to accepted workshops

March 14, 2005: closed
Deadline for proposals for Interactive Events (IE)

March 31, 2005:
Authors and proposers of full papers, posters, YRT, panels, and tutorial proposals notified

April 8, 2005:
Proposers of IE notified

April 14-25, 2005: closed
Deadlines for contributions to accepted workshops

April 29, 2005: closed
Deadline for camera ready submissions for main conference proceedings, including: full papers, posters, two pages YRT papers, one page abstracts for each workshop, tutorial, and interactive event

May 2, 2005:
Authors of workshop contributions notified

May 20, 2005: closed
Deadline camera ready submissions for YRT proceedings, IE proceedings, and workshops proceedings

July 18-22, 2005:
Conference AIED 2005

Last update: