
The ELLIS unit in Amsterdam recognizes the sponsorship program’s potential to retain top talent, contributing to the larger goal of developing AI made in Europe.


Curious about all our gold, silver and bronze sponsors of the unit?

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Interested to become a sponsor of the ELLIS unit Amsterdam?

Our sponsors

ELLIS unit Amsterdam sponsors are top industry players and key stakeholders in machine learning and AI in Europe.

About the sponsorship

The sponsorship

Sponsorship is fundamental to the ELLIS unit Amsterdam, which works to connect with the unit’s pool of expertise and ecosystem. 

The benefits

By supporting the development and growth of the ELLIS network, sponsors of the ELLIS unit in Amsterdam gain access to two levels of benefits: the unit itself and the wider network. 

The sponsorship tiers at the ELLIS unit Amsterdam include Bronze, Silver, and Gold access. The specific details and benefits of each tier can be tailored between the unit and the sponsors.