ML Foundations

Machine Learning Foundation research bridges an in-depth understanding of the workings of machine learning, which includes geometric machine learning, causality, reinforcement learning, probabilistic and statistical modeling, and quantum machine learning.

ML Foundations

ML Foundations

Machine Learning Foundation research bridges an in-depth understanding of the workings of machine learning, which includes geometric machine learning, causality, reinforcement learning, probabilistic and statistical modeling, and quantum machine learning.


Jan-Willem van Meent
Unit Director
Tim van Erven
ELLIS Faculty
Sara Magliacane
ELLIS Scholar
Eric Nalisnick
ELLIS Scholar
Erik J. Bekkers
ELLIS Scholar
Herke van Hoof
ELLIS Scholar
Joris Mooij
ELLIS Faculty
Patrick Forré
ELLIS Faculty
Max Welling
ELLIS Fellow


Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics
Korteweg-de Vries Institute
AM Lab
AM Lab
Mercury Lab
Mercury Machine Learning Lab
Delta Lab
Delta Lab

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Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems (SIAS)
Natural Language Processing
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ML for Health
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Information Retrieval
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Computer Vision
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