October 20, 2023

7 MSc AI Students received ELLIS Honours Certificates as recognition of their distinguished accomplishments

ELLIS unit Amsterdam congratulated the MSc Honours students who are graduating today!

To celebrate the important milestones the Honours students have reached and to recognise their hard work and perseverance, the ELLIS unit Amsterdam organised an MSc Honours lunch. At the celebratory event, the ELLIS unit Amsterdam Director, Prof. dr. Cees Snoek handed out the official ELLIS unit Amsterdam Honours certificates and tokens of congratulations to the students. The ELLIS Honours certificates were awarded upon completing the programme, and graduating cum laude.

The seven graduating MSc Honours students presented their respective thesis projects which sparked curiosity among the group. The students also exchanged information regarding their plans following graduation, four graduating students are pursuing further academic career while three others are opting for industry jobs. Besides, they provided valuable feedback regarding the MSc Honours Programme.

The seven graduating MSc Honours students who received the MSc Honours certificates today are (in alphabetical order):

  • Bagad, Piyush
  • Eijkelboom, Floor
  • Hilders, Paul
  • Knobel, Lukas
  • Nolte, Frederik
  • Tafuro, Matteo
  • Verhoef, Frank

We would also like to congratulate the other graduating MSc Honours students who did not attend today’s event; Rahel Beloch, Arsen Sheverdin, and Abra Ganz.

These MSc Honours students have successfully completed the ELLIS MSc Honours programme which involves proven academic excellence, prior research project with a member of ELLIS, and completion of a thesis project under a joint supervision of a member of ELLIS at the University of Amsterdam (ELLIS unit Amsterdam) and a member of ELLIS at a university abroad. The MSc Honours students are also expected to organise a research visit to their respective supervisor abroad with the funding support extended by the ELLIS unit Amsterdam.

We are really proud of our MSc Honours students, the research they have done, and their incredible achievements. We are also delighted to learn that the programme has connected them to leading researchers in their respective fields and positively impacted their career paths.

You can read some of the Honours journeys here.

Would you like to be an ELLIS MSc Honours student? We are currently accepting applications for this year’s MSc Honours programme.

For more information, you can read the call of the programme here.

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