October 28, 2024

10 MSc Students of ELLIS unit Amsterdam Presented Thesis Projects Conducted Abroad

The MSc Honours Programme is a flagship programme of the ELLIS unit Amsterdam. The ELLIS unit Amsterdam believes that the MSc Honours programme can help retain young AI talents in the region by allowing them to connect with world-class AI researchers and organise research visits to their respective co-supervisors at ELLIS partner institutions outside of the Netherlands.

On October 10th 2024, the unit celebrated the achievements of the MSc Honours students by organizing the MSc Honours Showcase, which was followed by a graduation lunch. At the event, the ELLIS unit Amsterdam MSc Honours students shared briefly the impressive research works they conducted in the past one year, their ELLIS visit experiences, and the plans following their graduation. The event was attended by the ELLIS unit Amsterdam community, including the supervisors of the Honours Programme. After the presentations, the ELLIS unit Amsterdam Director, Prof. Dr. Cees Snoek, awarded the ELLIS unit Amsterdam certificates to the MSc Honours students who successfully finished their thesis projects cum laude. This year, 9 out of 12 MSc Honours students who graduated cum laude presented their Honours research with co-supervisions of ELLIS Members at two different institutions. The ELLIS unit Amsterdam expressed congratulations to all the graduated MSc Honours students and wished them all the best in their future endeavours!

The MSc Honours students who presented their excellent works at the event are:

Oline Ranum

Thesis project title: 3D Awareness, Geometry & Linguistics in Neural Sign Language Representations


  • Dr. Erik Bekkers (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Coloma Ballester (ELLIS Member, University of Barcelona)
  • Prof. Dr. Floris Roelofsen (University of Amsterdam)


Jona Ruthardt

Thesis project title: Do Better Language Models Have Crisper Vision?


  • Dr. Gertjan Burghouts (ELLIS Member, Senior Researcher at TNO)
  • Dr. Yuki Asano (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Serge Belongie (ELLIS Fellow, University of Copenhagen)


Madhura Pawar

Thesis project title: Improving Centrality Fairness in Algorithmic Link-Recommendations


  • D'r. Fernando P. Santos (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Fariba Karimi (TU Graz)


Luca Pantea

Thesis project title: Reinforcement Learning from Simulated Feedback: Optimizing Pandemic Response


  • MSc Rob Romijnders (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Yuki Asano (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Pascal Frossard (ELLIS Fellow, EPFL Lausanne)


Walter Simonici

Thesis project title: Are all you need your nearest neighbors and their gradients?


  • Dr. Yuki Asano (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Andrei Bursuc (ELLIS Member, Deputy Scientific Director at valeo.ai)


David Frühbuß

Thesis project title: Cancer Immunotherapy Design with Geometric Deep Learning


  • Dr. Erik Bekkers (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Li Xue (Radboud University)
  • Prof. Dr Stefanie Jegelka (ELLIS Member, TUM München)


Diego Garcia Cerdas

Thesis project title: Data-driven exploration of selectivity in the human visual cortex using diffusion models


  • Dr. Iris Groen (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Gemma Roig (ELLIS Member, Goethe University Frankfurt)
  • Dr. Pascal Mettes (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • MSc Christina Sartzetaki (University of Amsterdam)


Egoitz Gonzalez Manso

Thesis project title: SLAM Expert System for Learning Optimal Tracking Strategies


  • Dr. Martin R. Oswald (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Marc Pollefeys (ELLIS Member, ETH Zürich)


Robin Sasse

Thesis project title: Hierarchical Auto-Vocabulary Segmentation


  • Dr. Martin Oswald (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Francis Engelmann (ELLIS Member, ETH Zurich)
  • MSc Osman Ülger (University of Amsterdam)


Avik Pal

Thesis project title: Hyperbolic embedding of multiple hierarchies


  • Dr. Pascal Mettes (ELLIS Member, University of Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Fabio Galasso (ELLIS Member, Sapienza University of Rome)


Marten Türk, Gerard Planella Fontanillas, and Valentinos Pariza also graduated cum laude but couldn’t participate at the event.

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