Local AI
Deep Thinking Hour
The Deep Thinking Hour@Amsterdam is a series of discussions at a roundtable format, debating interesting questions on Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision. The Deep Thinking Hour is organized by Efstratios Gavves and his students at the University of Amsterdam; Samuele Papa, Riccardo Valperga, David Knigge, and Miltos Kofinas.
Search Engines Amsterdam
Information drives the planet. We organize talks around implementations of information retrieval, in search engines, in recommender systems, or in conversational assistants. Our meetups are usually held on the last Friday of the month, at Science Park Amsterdam. Usually, we have two talks in a row, one industrial, the other academic, 25+5 minutes each, no marketing, just algorithms, followed by drinks. We also host ad hoc “single shot” events whenever an interesting visitor stops and shares their work.
Follow @irlab_amsterdam on Twitter for the latest updates.
Computational Linguistics Seminar
The CLS is the Computational Linguistics Seminar of the University of Amsterdam. Seminars are open to all interested researchers and students of all levels from UvA and elsewhere. To make sure you do not miss any talk, you can add the CLS agenda to your calendar. Link to the CLS calendar.
The CLS usually takes place on Tuesdays at 16:00 in room L3.36 at LAB42 in Amsterdam Science Park or via Zoom. Other days and locations are occasionally possible. See the details for each talk. To receive the details please subscribe to the CLS mailing list. The links to participate on Zoom will be distributed via the mailing list on the day of the seminars. To receive notifications about upcoming talks and the Zoom details, please join the CLS mailing list. Subscribe to the announcement mailing list.
The seminar is organised by Jelke Bloem and Alina Leidinger.
Inclusive AI
The IAI is an inclusive space for members to get non-academic help from senior peers in the field and connect with like-minded people of similar backgrounds. We organize seminars where students can present their research interests, field trips to AI/ML conferences, social get-togethers, and talks. Our goal is to directly combat the infamous leaky pipeline found in academia.
We currently offer a mentorship scheme for students of the UvA AI master’s program. Each student will be assigned a mentor from the IAI programme which will be selected according to the student and mentor’s preferences when possible.
The programme lasts for one academic year with an opportunity to extend, as long as the student is enrolled at UvA.
Amsterdam AI Meetup for women and people outside the gender binaries
The meet-ups for women and gender minorities in AI currently happen on a semi-regular basis every few months and are meant as an informal meet-up where people can meet and connect. We usually have no specific agenda for the meet-up, come and chat, meet your future collaborators or mentors, be challenged by others viewpoints, discuss your cat pictures.
Organiser: Maria Heuss (m.c.heuss@uva.nl).
Amsterdam Causality Meeting
In Fall 2023, a new causality seminar will start, co-organized by Sara Magliacane, Joris Mooij and Stéphanie van der Pas.
The aim of the seminar is to bring together researchers in causal inference from the VU, UvA, Amsterdam UMC and CWI, but the seminar is open to everyone. We plan to organize 4 events per year, where each event consists of two scientific talks and a networking event with drinks afterwards.
Sign up for the Google Group: amscausality@googlegroups.com
AI Safety Initiative Amsterdam (AISIA)
The AI Safety Initiative Amsterdam (AISIA) is dedicated to reducing the risks associated with Artificial Intelligence. Affiliated with the University of Amsterdam, AISIA offers an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, students, and professionals to engage in AI safety.
- AGI Safety Fundamentals Reading Groups.
- Events: Regular engagements with experts on existential risks and AI safety. For example, Live Q&A with OpenAI, panel discussion on AI safety.
- AI Safety Hackathons: Collaborative problem-solving in AI safety.
- AI Risk Lunch: Meet-ups to discuss AI safety over lunch in Matrix One.
AI, Culture, and Society Seminar

Do you know an AI initiative, such as regular talks or seminars, organised locally here at the University of Amsterdam that requires support from the ELLIS unit Amsterdam?
Contact us: ellisinfo-science@uva.nl.