Becoming a sponsor
To promote the advancement of AI research, we are pleased to partner with different industry players who share the same visions. We believe that sponsorship is vital for the ecosystem. Thus, the ELLIS unit in Amsterdam provides flexibility in its sponsorship.
Benefits from sponsoring
The level of sponsorship determines the extent of access you have to the ELLIS unit Amsterdam.
Access to thesis, career, or internship fairs; broadcasting internships or openings through the unit’s website.
Ability to start and request joint grants, patents, or titles; Opportunity to connect with students and give feedback on projects.
Presence at unit events (e.g., branding, logos, booths); Cited as sponsors when unit faculty present externally; Publicity through unit newsletter or outreach campaigns.
Speaking slot at unit events; Opportunity to provide a workshop for students or faculty.
Exclusive or tailored workshops for the sponsor; Consulting with senior ELLIS scientists on the latest developments.
Participation on committees; Consulted for strategic development; Join coordinated projects aimed at enriching the local ecosystem.
Interested in a sponsorship?
Interested in sponsoring the unit? Let us know and send an email to the ELLIS Amsterdam team.