Becoming a sponsor
ELLIS believes that the first step to making Europe a world leader in machine learning and AI is to enrich research ecosystems at the local levels. Regional or national ‘hot-spots’ provide the building blocks for international excellence, collaboration and innovation. Sponsorship plays a key role in this fundamental development, which is why ELLIS sponsorship always goes through the units.
We offer three tier sponsorships
All sponsorship funds are transferred to the sponsored unit, including the annual membership fee. Amounts are excluding applicable tax.
Gold Sponsor
100k for the unit + 20k/year membership fee for the society
- Gold
Silver Sponsor
50k for the unit + 10k/year membership fee for the society
- Silver
Bronze Sponsor
25k for the unit + 5k/year membership fee for the society
- Bronze
Gold Sponsor
4 PhDs/Postdocs + €20k/year membership fee for the society
- Gold
Silver Sponsor
2 PhDs/Postdocs + €10k/year membership fee for the society
- Silver
Bronze Sponsor
1 PhD or Postdoc + €5k/year membership fee for the society
- Bronze
Benefits from sponsoring
Unit benefits
Access to thesis, career, or internship fairs; broadcasting internships or openings through the unit’s website.
Ability to start and request joint grants, patents, or titles; Opportunity to connect with students and give feedback on projects.
Presence at unit events (e.g., branding, logos, booths); Cited as sponsors when unit faculty present externally; Publicity through unit newsletter or outreach campaigns.
Speaking slot at unit events; Opportunity to provide a workshop for students or faculty.
Exclusive or tailored workshops for the sponsor; Consulting with senior ELLIS scientists on latest developments.
Participation on committees; Consulted for strategic development; Join coordinated projects aimed at enriching the local ecosystem.
Society benefits
Company name, logo, and description of involvement added to the ELLIS website; Presence on ELLIS promotional materials; Presence at ELLIS events (e.g., branding, logos, booths).
Speaking or presentation slot in the ELLIS PhD & Postdoc program; Challenge owner for the program’s bootcamps, networking events, or summer schools; Early access to C-suite ELLIS mini modules.
Representation on ELLIS committees focused on industry relations; Opportunity to collaborate with ELLIS on funding calls, proposals, and European projects; Ability to influence strategic direction and development.
Subscription to the ELLIS EU monthly newsletter; Opportunity to include job postings or updates in the ELLIS newsletter; Opportunity to publish internships, job postings, or other opportunities on the ELLIS website.