Efstratios Gavves
SIGMA: Sinkhorn-Guided Masked Video Modeling
Amortized Equation Discovery in Hybrid Dynamical Systems
How to Train Neural Field Representations: A Comprehensive Study and Benchmark
Graph Neural Networks for Learning Equivariant Representations of Neural Networks
Latent Field Discovery in Interacting Dynamical Systems with Neural Fields
Modulated Neural ODEs
Time Does Tell: Self-Supervised Time-Tuning of Dense Image Representations
Towards Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation
Graph Switching Dynamical Systems
BISCUIT: Causal Representation Learning from Binary Interactions
PC-Reg: A pyramidal prediction–correction approach for large deformation image registration
PerfU-Net: Baseline infarct estimation from CT perfusion source data for acute ischemic stroke
Spatio-temporal physics-informed learning: A novel approach to CT perfusion analysis in acute ischemic stroke
Causal Representation Learning for Instantaneous and Temporal Effects in Interactive Systems
Differentiable Mathematical Programming for Object-Centric Representation Learning
Fake It Till You Make It: Towards Accurate Near-Distribution Novelty Detection
Modelling Long Range Dependencies in N-D: From Task-Specific to a General Purpose CNN
Scalable Subset Sampling with Neural Conditional Poisson Networks
DeepSMILE: Contrastive self-supervised pre-training benefits MSI and HRD classification directly from H&E whole-slide images in colorectal and breast cancer
Dynamic Transformer for Few-shot Instance Segmentation
WeakSTIL: weak whole-slide image level stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocyte scores are all you need
Batch Bayesian Optimization on Permutations using the Acquisition Weighted Kernel
3D Equivariant Graph Implicit Functions
Delta Distillation for Efficient Video Processing
Continual Learning of Dynamical Systems With Competitive Federated Reservoir Computing
Few-shot Semantic Segmentation with Support-induced Graph Convolutional Network
CITRIS - Causal Identifiability from Temporal Intervened Sequences
Dynamic Prototype Convolution Network for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation
NFormer: Robust Person Re-identification with Neighbor Transformer
Efficient Neural Causal Discovery without Acyclicity Constraints
Stability Regularization for Discrete Representation Learning
WeakSTIL: Weak whole-slide image level stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocyte scores are all you need
Roto-translated Local Coordinate Frames For Interacting Dynamical Systems
Sparse-Shot Learning With Exclusive Cross-Entropy for Extremely Many Localisations
Neural Feature Matching in Implicit 3D Representations
Spectral Smoothing Unveils Phase Transitions in Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders
Unsharp Mask Guided Filtering
Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking
Categorical Normalizing Flows via Continuous Transformations
Automated Final Lesion Segmentation in Posterior Circulation Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Deep Learning
Domain- and task-specific transfer learning for medical segmentation tasks
Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking
Quasibinary Classifier for Images with Zero and Multiple Labels
Self-Selective Context for Interaction Recognition
Automatic Triage of 12‐Lead ECGs Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
PointMixup: Augmentation for Point Clouds
Low Bias Low Variance Gradient Estimates for Boolean Stochastic Networks
Siamese Tracking of Cell Behaviour Patterns