Task description

In this screen you can edit the contents of Model fragments, including Entities, Attributes, Configurations, Quantities and Quantity Spaces, Values, Dependencies, Agents, Assumptions, Inequalities, Values, Calculations, Influences, Proportionalities, conditional Model fragments, Correspondences and Identities.

Task context

The 'Model Fragment editor' screen can be accessed from the Garp 3 main screen or from the 'Model Fragments definitions editor' screen. Press the button 'Edit latest Model fragment' in the Garp3 main screen or the 'Edit selected Model fragment' in the 'Model fragments definitions editor' to open this workspace. Build tasks | Model Fragments definitions editor

Tasks in this workspace

Most tasks in this workspace can de executed using either the button bar, the pull down menus, or the shortcut keys. To Add a new ingredient press the appropriate button in the button bar on the left in the workspace. Notice that, a selection or de-selection of already created ingredients may be required. To Delete, select the ingredient by clicking on it once and then press the delete key on the keyboard. To Edit, double click on an ingredient or select the ingredient and press the enter key on the keyboard. The Change view and Save tasks are accessible via the pull down menus at the top of the workspace.

Add: Agent | Assumption | Attribute | Calculus | Conditional model fragment | Configuration | Correspondence | Entity | Identity | Inequality | Influence | Refinement | Proportionality | Quantity | Value
Delete: Agent | Assumption | Attribute | Calculus | Conditional model fragment | Configuration | Correspondence | Entity | Identity | Inequality | Influence | Refinement | Proportionality | Quantity | Value
Edit: Agent | Assumption | Attribute | Calculus | Conditional model fragment | Configuration | Correspondence | Entity | Identity | Inequality | Influence | Proportionality | Quantity | Value
Change view: Collapse relations | Expand all | Expand relations | Full redraw | Hide | Show relevant | Show subfragments | Collapse | Expand
Save: Diagram to EPS file | Model to disk

Menu options
File: Save diagram to EPS file | Save model to disk | Edit model fragment properties
Edit: Edit entity | Delete entity
Conditions: Add entity | Add agent | Add assumption | Add quantity | Add attribute | Add configuration | Add inequality | Add calculus | Add value | Add conditional model fragment | Add identity
Consequences: Add entity | Add agent | Add assumption | Add quantity | Add configuration | Add inequality | Add calculus | Add value | Add correspondence | Add proportionality | Add influence
View: Collapse | Expand | Collapse relations | Expand relations | Show relevant | Full redraw | Expand all | Hide | Show subfragments
Additional features
Color coding | Conditions and consequences | Context sensitivity | Instance | Naming ingredients | Tooltips | Action buttons | Graphical icons
Definitions involved ingredients
Agent | Assumption | Attribute | Calculus | Conditional model fragment | Configuration | Correspondence | Entity | Identity | Inequality | Influence | Proportionality | Quantity | Refinement | Value
Icons related to this task
Related tasks
Other tasks for this ingredient : Add model fragment | Edit model fragment properties | Delete model fragment | Copy model fragment | Set model fragment active | Set model fragment inactive
Similar tasks for other ingredients : Edit scenario
  • [Del]: Delete
  • [Enter] or Double-click on an icon: Properties
  • [M]: Add a Model Fragment as condition
  • [Space]: Collapse
  • [Ctrl + Space]: Collapse
  • [Ctrl + S]: Save model to disk
  • [Ctrl+R]: Show Relevant
  • [*]: Expand
  • [H]: Hide


Model fragment editor

The example shows the Model fragment editor with an imported conditional model fragment Population to which the Quantity 'Born' is added as a consequence. Also, between the Quantities 'Born' and 'Size' is a positive Influence and 'Size' has an Inequality to its own Quantity space to indicate it has to be greater than Zero.
