Theory of Computer Science

The Theory of Computer Science (TCS) Group does research on the theoretical foundations of computer science. The aim is to seek greater understanding of fundamental computational techniques and their inherent limitations. The TCS group forms an integral part of a vibrant community of TCS researchers in Amsterdam.

Open Positions

Open PhD position:

Candidates found, will start in Spring 2024:

Latest News

A few options go a long way: List decoding and applications
The TCS Group of the Informatics Institute has the pleasure to host the following public lecture on Monday, June 10 from 4-5pm in the CWI Turingzaal. Following the lecture, we will host a reception in the Newtonzaal, where refreshments will be provided.
Gravitation Grant for ‘Challenges in Cyber Security’
Cyber security is often portrayed as an educational problem or a resource problem, shifting blame on users, system administrators, or the budget holders limiting the system administrators’ abilities. However, there are many hard problems that remain unsolved and that require a coordinated scientific investigation.
TCS goes ice skating
Having grown significantly in the number of group members of the last months, Ailsa organised a TCS group outing to the Jaap Eden Baan, where we had great fun ice skating!
PhD Position in Code-Based Cryptography

This is an archived version of the official ad which might not be online anymore!

Are you fascinated by the theoretical underpinnings of security that allow for protecting privacy in an ever more interconnected world? Are you willing to take on the challenge of upgrading cryptography to deal with the threat posed by quantum computation? Do you enjoy working in a team of young and motivated researchers? We are seeking a PhD student to carry out cutting-edge research in theoretical computer science, with an expected focus on code-based cryptography.

VENI grant for Nic Resch

Nicolas Resch, tenure-track assistant professor in the TCS group has been awarded a personal VENI grant from NWO, congratulations!!

TCS group pre 2022

The TCS group has a history of developing theory and tools in the field of algebraic specification which can be used to specify, analyse, and verify concurrent communicating and programmed systems. This link leads you back to the old group homepage, including publications from 1997-2018 and technical reports as well as software.


Group Chair

Scientific Staff


Nicolas Resch

Assistant Professor


John van de Wetering

Assistant Professor


PhD Students


Martijn Brehm

PhD student


Sarah Li

PhD student


Gina Muuss

PhD student


Daan Planken

PhD student


Ailsa Robertson

PhD student


Jan Bergstra

Guest Emeritus Professor

Inge Bethke

Guest Researcher

Kees Middelburg

Guest Researcher

Alban Ponse

Guest Researcher



TCS group pre 2022

The TCS group has a history of developing theory and tools in the field of algebraic specification which can be used to specify, analyse, and verify concurrent communicating and programmed systems. This link leads you back to the old group homepage, including publications from 1997-2018 and technical reports as well as software.
