Publications of Z. Lou
Expression-invariant Age Estimation Using Structured Learning
Z. Lou, F. Alnajar, J. M. Alvarez, N. Hu, T. Gevers
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2018.
[bibtex] [url]
Structured Receptive Fields in CNNs
J-H. Jacobsen, J. C. van Gemert, Z. Lou, A. W. M. Smeulders
In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2016.
[bibtex] [pdf] [url]
Color Constancy by Deep Learning
Z. Lou, T. Gevers, N. Hu, M. Lucassen
In British Machine Vision Conference 2015.
[bibtex] [pdf] [url]
Extracting 3D Layout From a Single Image Using Global Image Structures
Z. Lou, T. Gevers, N Hu
In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2015.
[bibtex] [pdf] [url]
Expression-Invariant Age Estimation
F. Alnajar, Z. Lou, J. M. Alvarez, T. Gevers
In British Machine Vision Conference 2014.
[bibtex] [url]
Extracting Primary Objects by Video Co-Segmentation
Z. Lou, T. Gevers
In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2014.
[bibtex] [url]
Image Alignment by Piecewise Planar Region Matching
Z. Lou, T. Gevers
In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2014.
[bibtex] [url]
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