Publications of J. Vendrig
Components and Systems for Interactive Video Indexing
J. Vendrig, M. Worring, A. W. M. Smeulders
In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2003.
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Interactive Adaptive Movie Annotation
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In IEEE Multimedia 2003.
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Multimodal Person Identification in Movies
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval 2002.
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Systematic Evaluation of Logical Story Unit Segmentation
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2002.
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TREC Feature Extraction by Active Learning
J. Vendrig, J. den Hartog, D. van Leeuwen, I. Patras, S. Raaijmakers, C. G. M. Snoek, J. van Rest, M. Worring
In Text Retrieval Conference 2002.
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Interactive Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Content
M. Worring, A. Bagdanov, J. C. van Gemert, J. M. Geusebroek, H. A. Ming, A. T. Schreiber, C. G. M. Snoek, J. Vendrig, J. Wielemaker, A. W. M. Smeulders
In SOFSEM2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics 2002.
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Lazy Users and Automatic Video Retrieval Tools in (the) Lowlands
J. Baan, A. van Ballegooij, J. M. Geusebroek, D. Hiemstra, J. den Hartog, J. List, C. G. M. Snoek, I. Patras, S. Raaijmakers, L. Todoran, J. Vendrig, A. de Vries, T. Westerveld, M. Worring
In Text Retrieval Conference 2001.
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Evaluation of Logical Story Unit Segmentation in Video Sequences
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2001.
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Model Based Interactive Story Unit Segmentation
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2001.
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Publication Teaser Filter Image Browsing: Interactive Image Retrieval by Using Database Overviews
J. Vendrig, M. Worring, A. W. M. Smeulders
In Multimedia Tools and Applications 2001.
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Feature Driven Visualization of Video Content for Interactive Indexing
J. Vendrig, M. Worring
In Visual Information and Information Systems 2000.
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Filter Image Browsing: Exploiting Interaction in Retrieval
J. Vendrig, M. Worring, A. W. M. Smeulders
In Visual Information Systems 1999.
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