Task description

The purpose of this workspace is to generate a full simulation of a loaded scenario. This means that every state will be closed after this operation.

Task context

This workspace can be accessed from the Simulation environment when a state-graph is not yet fully simulated. Simulate tasks | Simulate scenario

Tasks in this workspace

Press button Press the 'Full simulation: scenario name' button to run the full simulation. If the model is complicated it may take a while to completely calculate the state-graph but eventually a state-graph will appear on the screen.

Additional features
Tooltips | Action buttons | Graphical icons
Definitions involved ingredients
Simulation | State | State-graph
Related tasks
Other tasks for this ingredient : Terminate states | Order states | Find successors


Full simulation

When a full simulation is performed, all the connected states of the graph are closed. This graph shows all the possible behaviours for this scenario.
