Task description

The purpose of this workspace is to set the simulation preferences. These are settings that can influence the way in which the simulation is created.

Task context

This workspace can be accessed from the Simulation environment or from the Simulate tasks. Simulate tasks | Simulate scenario

Tasks in this workspace

To access this workspace, press the 'Simulation preferences' button.

Select options Select the preference options that are desired.
Advanced options Press the button 'Advanced' to get access to the more advanced simulation preferences. Be careful with changing these options.
Default settings Press the button 'Default settings' to reset the simulation preferences to their original state.
Save changes Press the 'Save changes to model' button to save the changes and return to the Simulation environment or the Simulate tasks.
Close window Press the 'Close this editor' button to return to the Simulation environment or Simulate tasks.

Additional features
Tooltips | Action buttons
Definitions involved ingredients
Icons related to this task
Related tasks
Other tasks for this ingredient : Open trace window | Select scenario | Full simulation


Simulation preferences

Simulation preferences screen. In this screen it is possible to active and deactive options in the Simulation engine.
