Task description

The purpose of this task is to save a diagram to an EPS file.

Task context

This task can be accessed from the following workspaces: Entity hierarchy editor | Scenario editor | Model Fragments definitions editor | Model Fragment editor | Agent hierarchy editor | Assumption hierarchy editor | Simulate scenario | Show entities, configurations and attributes | Show quantity values | List model fragments | Show dependencies | Transition history | Equation history | Value history

Tasks in this workspace

Open menu In the workspaces with menus, open the 'File' menu.
Select option Select the 'Save diagram to EPS file' option in the menu. A popup screen will allow a specification as to where the diagram should be saved.
Press button In all other workspaces, press the 'Save diagram to EPS file' button. A popup screen will allow a specification as to where the diagram should be saved.

Definitions involved ingredients
Diagram | EPS files


Save as EPS

The 'Save diagram to EPS file' screen.
