The purpose of this task is to add an Inequality to a Scenario or Model fragment.
This task can be accessed from the Model fragment editor or Scenario editor. Scenario editor | Model Fragment editor
Inequalities can exist between different kinds of ingredients. Before entering the workspace by pressing the 'Add inequality' button, a choice has to be made about the ingredients that will be involved in the Inequality statement. These are the 5 possible choices and the selection that needs to be made before the Inequality can be added to the Scenario or Model fragment:
1. Add an Inequality between Quantities - Select the two Quantities between which an Inequality will be created.
2. Add an Inequality between Quantity values - Select two Quantity values between which an Inequality will be created.
3. Add an Inequality between a Quantity and a point value - Select a Quantity and a point value (which can be in the same Quantity) between which an Inequality will be created.
4. Add an Inequality between a derivative and a point value - Select a derivative and a point value, in a Quantity space or derivative, between which an Inequality will be created.
5. Add an Inequality between derivatives of two Quantities - Select two derivatives, each from a different Quantity, between which an Inequality will be created.
Select Inequality Select the desired InequalityThe 'Add a new Inequality' screen to add an Inequality to a Scenario or Model fragment.