The Quantity spaces definitions editor enables the creation, deletion and modification of quantity spaces which belong to quantity. A quantity space specifies a range of qualitative values a quantity magnitude or derivative can have. The qualitative values in a quantity space form a total order. Each qualitative value is either a point or an interval, and within the quantity spaces these two types consecutively alternate.
The Quantity spaces definitions editor is located in the Build tasks workspace and can be accessed from there but also from the Quantity definitions editor workspace. Quantity spaces need to assigned to a quantity in the Quantity definitions editor workspace. Build tasks | Quantity definitions editor
In this workspace new quantity spaces can be created. This can be done by assigning values to the quantity space and editing the interval and ordering of the values.
Add: Quantity space | Quantity space interval | Quantity space valueThis example shows the Quantity spaces definitions for the example population model. At the top the available Quantity spaces are shown and in the middle the contents of these Quantity spaces.