Task description

The purpose of this task is to change the view in the Model fragment editor by making the Subfragments of reused Model fragments visible or by hiding them.

Task context

This task can only be accessed from the Model fragment editor. Model Fragment editor

Tasks in this workspace

To access this workspace, select a reused Model fragment that has conditional Model fragments.

Open menu Open the 'View' menu.
Select option Select the 'Show subfragments' option in the menu. The subfragments of the Model fragment will become visible.

Hiding the subfragments once they have become visible:

Select fragment Select the Model fragment to which the subfragments are attached.
Open menu Open the 'View' menu.
Select option Select the 'Hide subfragments' option in the menu. The subfragments of the Model fragment will become invisible again.

Additional features
Tooltips | Action buttons
Definitions involved ingredients
Hierarchy | Model fragment | Subfragment
Related tasks
Other tasks to do with view : Collapse | Expand | Collapse relations | Expand relations | Show relevant | Full redraw | Expand all | Hide
