Task description

The Entity hierarchy editor enables the user to define a hierarchy of entities with child-parent relations between them. Entities are the physical objects or abstract concepts that play a role within the system.

Task context

The Entity hierarchy editor is located in the Build tasks workspace and can be accessed from there. Entities can be used in model fragments and scenarios and Quantities and Attributes can be attached to them. Build tasks | Scenario editor | Model Fragment editor

Tasks in this workspace

In this workspace Entities can be added to the hierarchy, they can be edited and deleted from the hierarchy and several changes to the layout of the hierarchy can be made.

Add: Entity
Delete: Entity
Edit: Entity
Change view: Collapse | Expand
Layout: Horizontal | List | Vertical
Save: Diagram to EPS file

Menu options
Edit: Save diagram to EPS file | Add entity definition | Edit entity definition | Delete entity definition
View: Layout horizontal | Layout vertical | Layout as list | Change view collapse | Change view expand
Additional features
Naming ingredients | Tooltips | Action buttons
Definitions involved ingredients
Attribute | Entity | Model | Model fragment | Quantity | Scenario
Icons related to this task
Related tasks
Other tasks for this ingredient : Add entity | Edit entity | Delete entity
Similar tasks for other ingredients : Edit agent hierarchy | Edit assumption hierarchy | Edit configuration definitions | Edit quantity definitions | Edit quantity spaces definitions | Edit 'About this model and Sketch' | Edit attribute definitions | Edit scenarios definitions | Edit model fragments definitions


Entity hierarchy editor

The example population model features multiple Entities, descending from two main classes, 'Biological entity' and 'Set of entities'.
