The Assumption hierarchy editor enables the user to define a hierarchy of assumptions with child-parent relations between them. Assumptions are labels which are used to indicate that certain conditions are presumed to be true. They are often used to constrain the possible behaviour of a model. Because they describe neither structural nor behavioural aspects of a system, they belong to neither the structural building blocks nor the behavioural building blocks categories.
The Assumption hierarchy editor is located in the Build tasks workspace and can be accessed from there. Assumptions can be used in Model fragments and Scenarios and Quantities and Attributes can be attached to them. Build tasks | Scenario editor | Model Fragment editor
In this workspace Assumptions can be added to the hierarchy, they can be edited and deleted from the hierarchy and several changes to the layout of the hierarchy can be made.
Add: AssumptionIn this example the Assumption hierarchy is shown with four classes of assumptions, Default, Not active, Operating and Simplifying.