The purpose of the Build tasks workspace is to define a library of model fragments and to create scenarios that can be used to run simulations. The Build tasks workspace provides several editors to define the building blocks to be used in the model fragments and scenarios.
The Build tasks workspace provides all the editors to complete building a model. When the library of model fragments is ready and there are soms scenarios defined, simulations can be ran in the Simulate tasks workspace. To save and load any work on models, options in the File tasks workspace can be used. Main screen
In order to build a model, several building blocks need to be defined in advance. The editors available in this workspace enable the user to define these model building blocks in seperate screens.
Edit: Entity hierarchy | Agent hierarchy | Assumption hierarchy | Configuration definitions | Quantity definitions | Quantity spaces definitions | About this model and Sketch | Attribute definitions | Scenarios definitions | Latest scenario | Model fragments definitions | Latest model fragmentThis example shows the Build tasks in the Garp3 main screen. The numbers next to the various ingredients display the amount of definitions of that type are created in the loaded model.