Automated Estimation of Epithelial Volume in Breast Cancer Sections: A Comparison with the Image Processing Steps Applied to Gynecologic Tumors

Automated Estimation of Epithelial Volume in Breast Cancer Sections: A Comparison with the Image Processing Steps Applied to Gynecologic Tumors
N. Schipper, A. W. M. Smeulders, J. P. A. Baak
In Pathology Research and Practice 1990.
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Bibtex Entry
  author       = "Schipper, N. and Smeulders, A. W. M. and Baak, J. P. A.",
  title        = "Automated Estimation of Epithelial Volume in Breast Cancer Sections: A Comparison with the Image Processing Steps Applied to Gynecologic Tumors",
  journal      = "Pathology Research and Practice",
  number       = "6",
  volume       = "186",
  pages        = "737--744",
  year         = "1990",
  url          = ""
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