Improving HOG with Image Segmentation : Application to Human Detection

Improving HOG with Image Segmentation : Application to Human Detection
Y. S. Salas, D. V. Bermudez, A. M. L. Pena, D. G. Gomez, T. Gevers
In ACIVS 2012.
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Bibtex Entry
  author       = "Salas, Y. S. and Bermudez, D. V. and Pena, A. M. L. and Gomez, D. G.
                  and Gevers, T.",
  title        = "Improving HOG with Image Segmentation : Application to Human Detection",
  booktitle    = "ACIVS",
  pages        = "178--189",
  year         = "2012",
  url          = ""
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