Computer Vision for Ambient Intelligence

Computer Vision for Ambient Intelligence
A. A. Salah, T. Gevers, N. Sebe, A. Vinciarelli
In Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 2011.
[bibtex] [url]
A natural way of conceptualizing ambient intelligence is by picturing an active environment with access to perceptual input, not via eyes and ears, but by their technological counterparts. Computer vision is an essential part of building context-aware environments that adapt and anticipate their human users by understanding their behavior. This thematic issue explores state-of-the-art computer vision approaches for ambient intelligence applications.

Bibtex Entry
  author       = "Salah, A. A. and Gevers, T. and Sebe, N. and Vinciarelli, A.",
  title        = "Computer Vision for Ambient Intelligence",
  journal      = "Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments",
  number       = "3",
  volume       = "3",
  pages        = "	187--191",
  year         = "2011",
  url          = ""
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