In recent years several works have aimed at exploiting
color information in order to improve the bag-ofwords
based image representation. There are two stages
in which color information can be applied in the bag-ofwords
framework. Firstly, feature detection can be improved
by choosing highly informative color-based regions.
Secondly, feature description, typically focusing
on shape, can be improved with a color description of
the local patches. Although both approaches have been
shown to improve results the combined merits have not
yet been analyzed. Therefore, in this paper we investigate
the combined contribution of color to both the
feature detection and extraction stages. Experiments
performed on two challenging data sets, namely Flower
and Pascal VOC 2009; clearly demonstrate that incorporating
color in both feature detection and extraction
significantly improves the overall performance.
author = "Rojas Vigo, D. A. and Shahbaz Khan, F. and van de Weijer, J. and Gevers, T.",
title = "The Impact of Color on Bag-of-Words Based Object Recognition",
booktitle = "International Conference on Pattern Recognition",
pages = "1549--1553",
year = "2010",
url = "",
pdf = "",
has_image = 1