Benchmarking and improving point cloud data management in MonetDB

Benchmarking and improving point cloud data management in MonetDB
O. Martinez-Rub, P Oosterom van, R. A. Goncalves, T Tijssen, M. Ivanova, M. L. Kersten, F. Alvanaki
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Bibtex Entry
  title        = "Benchmarking and improving point cloud data management in MonetDB",
  author       = "Martinez-Rub, O. and Oosterom van, P and Goncalves, R. A. and Tijssen, T and Ivanova, M. and Kersten, M. L. and Alvanaki, F.",
  booktitle    = "ACM SIGSPATIAL",
  year         = "2014",
  url          = ""
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