Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling

Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling
I. Cohen, N. Sebe, L. Chen, A. Garg, T. S. Huang
In Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2003.
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Bibtex Entry
  author       = "Cohen, I. and Sebe, N. and Chen, L. and Garg, A.
                  and Huang, T. S.",
  title        = "Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling",
  journal      = "Computer Vision and Image Understanding",
  number       = "1-2",
  volume       = "91",
  pages        = "160--187",
  year         = "2003",
  url          = "https://ivi.fnwi.uva.nl/isis/publications/2003/CohenCVIU2003"
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