Schedule 2007


Teams can work when and where they want. On Tuesdays they can use room P.1.24. The lecturer will be available on Wednesday mornings from 10-12 for plenary sessions and meetings with individual teams.





September 5

General introduction, organizational issues, tools

Afternoon: Overall planning, division of labor,
work on user requirements & scenario


September 12

User requirements & scenario, technical approach (tools to be used, division of labor), initial E-R modelling

, project plan

September 19

E-R modelling, database creation, initial fill

System design, E-R model

September 26

Implementation of DB functions, design GUI

DB dump,
code samples,
GUI design

October 3

Mid-term progress evaluation
Short presentation by each team of progress so far, of outstanding problems and of final results to be expected.

Demo, progress report, updated planning, updated design documents and code samples

October 10

Implementation and testing


October 17

Project report, user manual, prepare demo and presentation

Draft project report, manuals, code listings, slides and application

October 23 Deadline: 9.00 in the morning, submitted electronically Final report, code listing, manuals

October 24

Final presentation