
[Jun. 2024] CV group showed up at CVPR 2024 in Seattle.

Two posters (one Highlight) at the main venue. A few more at the workshops.

[Jun. 2024] CV group recently enjoyed a group outing on a sailing ship.

[May. 2024] Martin is organizing 3DV 2025 in Singapore.

Calling for papers! [website]

[Mar. 2024] Prof. Theo Gevers and students from Delta lab visited Bosch headquarters in Renningen, Germany.

[Mar. 2024] NICER-SLAM received Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at 3DV 2024!

Congrats Martin!

[Dec. 2023] Two papers accepted by AAAI.

Congrats Qi!

[Oct. 2023] Richard Willem Groenendijk (Rick) successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Congrats Dr. Groenendijk! [Thesis]

[Oct. 2023] Prof. Theo Gevers talked about Deepfakes in national TV interviews.

Issues with deepfakes: 4 questions and answers. RTL News
Deepfakes of Tom Hanks and Bunq's CEO show the risk of AI-generated videos. NOS News

[Oct. 2023] CV Group members participated in ICCV.

1 oral, 6 poster, and several workshop. Congrats to all authors!

[Jul. 2023] Dimitrios Tzionas was awarded a grant from ELLIS.

[May. 2023] Wei Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Congrats Dr. Wang!

[Apr. 2023] Partha Das successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Congrats Dr. Das!