================================================================================ P9615 S.P. Luttik & P.H. Rodenburg "Transformations of reduction systems" We consider transformations of reduction systems in an abstract setting. We study some sets of correctness criteria for such transformations, adapt a notion of simulation proposed by Kamperman and Walters, and show that the resulting omega-simulation behaves well w.r.t. the criteria. In particular, we prove that this notion implies preservation of the normal form relation, confluence and weak termination. We apply these results in an investigation of a transformation proposed by Thatte. Rakesh Verma claimed that `weak persistence' was sufficient a condition on term rewriting systems to obtain that this transformation preserves confluence. However, we found counterexamples (that we included in an appendix) that demonstrate that Verma's proof of this claim is invalid. Upon notification of these errors, Verma found a counterexample to his claim. We show that for some important subclasses of the class of term rewriting systems weak persistence is sufficient to obtain that the transform omega-simulates the original under Thatte's transformation. This implies preservation of confluence. Eventually, our investigations lead to a proof that weak persistence suffices for preservation of semi-completeness.