================================================================================ P9404 J. van den Brink & W.O.D. Griffioen "Formal semantics of discrete absolute timed interworkings" The formal semantics of interworkings was defined in BPA. In this paper, it is extended with discrete absolute time features. In the discrete time setting, continuous time is partitioned into slices. First, a set of axioms is presented for discrete time interworkings. Then the notion of discrete time intervals is defined. From this definition and the set of axioms for slice timed interworkings, a set of propositions for interval timed interworkings is derived. APPEARED AS: @inproceedings{vdBG95, author = {J. van den Brink and W.O.D. Griffioen}, booktitle = {{A}lgebra of {C}ommunicating {P}rocesses}, year = {1995}, editor = {A. Ponse and C. Verhoef and S.F.M. van Vlijmen}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, pages = {106--123}, series = {Workshops in Computing}, place = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, title = {Formal Semantics of Interworkings with Discrete Absolute Time} }